How To Market Experts

Friday 30 April 2010

Learn About Twitter Marketing

Anybody can make money by using Twitter. You will need only three things to do this - a Twitter account (which is free), your own website or another way to monetize your Twitter account, such as affiliate links systems, and a knowledge of social networking channel marketing.

The first two of those are simple enough to set-up, but the third one is more difficult to implement. You can certainly teach yourself how to market through Twitter though, and these tips will get you going in the right direction...

- Do not just advertise, talk to your followers

Understand that your Twitter account is not to be used as a digital billboard. You will see some people doing this - they post tweet after tweet of links to products and services - but that does not mean that they are making any money.

- Market products or services that your followers need

If you market a product that your audience do not need or want, then they will not buy it. It is as simple as that. Make sure you know what you are selling and that the potential customers will want to buy it. Research is key.

- It is not about the number of people, it is about your relationship with those people

There are various tools available on the internet that will enable you to gain followers very quickly over a short period of time. Though as we mentioned earlier, it is important to actually get to know your customers, so having thousands of people following you that you do not know could ultimately be pointless.

OK, so you may not be making money immediately, but if you follow the tips given above, within a month or so you should be seeing the fruits of your labor. Who knows, within a year you could be earning enough to give up your day job!

Thursday 29 April 2010

How to Develop Software Products in 4 Easy Steps

Are you thinking of ways to develop software products to sell as in intimate marketer? Then you better do that in a proactive manner. The processes to develop software products generally include several stages, which have worked for businesses and individuals on a continual basis.

The problem why most intimate marketer's are not successful online, is that they fail to follow a step-by-step strategic plan filled with measures which have been found to be successful.

Following are 4 tried and true successful steps, which include:

1. defining requirements
2. developing codes based on those requirements
3. testing those codes and making corrections and/or enhancements
4. And finally marketing and selling the applications.

If you look at the top level, all software companies go through the same stages. Even though you will be able to draw many other details in all of these disciplines, the core steps followed to develop software products are the above mentioned 4 steps. The individuals, who have inculcated these Internet marketing habits or firms, who develop and product software, refuse to take up these sequential stages and normally would end up consuming more amount of money in order to fix the bugs or to develop the broken applications.

Someone who has the right knowledge and the brilliance to apply the same can develop good software and also can include this along with their previously successful Internet marketing habits. All of these difficulties and more will get halved if you yourself are a software developer. You have been provided with some of the major things to be learned where you go ahead with developing software applications.

The first question is that of finding out the optimum, viable idea. This will form the most initial stage of developing software.

The subsequent stage is to discover the ways to translate the idea in to a developable product. In short, this will determine your ability to develop the blueprints for the new software.

The third stage is to look out for the suitable developers present in the market, especially if you aren't a developer and choosing the right personnel to work along and deciding on a fair compensation for them.

The last stage is to find routes to market and sell the software that you have developed.

As an Internet marketer who sells products and services online, you know the value of good software products which have a viable market. By developing good products which your target niche market is looking for you'll almost be guaranteed with continual traffic flowing to your website.

Once these visitors are to your site your job is to convert them into subscribers by providing them with some type of often offer such as a free manual or report. Once they have opted in to your last, your job is then to convert them into a buying customer. Your subscribers will buy from people who they know, like and trust. You develop this relationship with your subscribers by providing them with valuable content. By taking these steps you'll increase the likelihood of your website visitors believe in that you can provide the solution to their software problems.

If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Build Thousands of Links to Your Website and Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

There are two kinds of links that we are going to talk about today, one way back links and reciprocal links. Both of these are very important to your websites success and search engine ranking.

One way links or back links, certainly the best of the two. One way links are great because they don't require you to list the other site on your site. This gives the link more value to the search engines. Below I have listed my favorite methods for getting these valuable links.

1) Write and submit press releases about your products or website. When you submit your site to the press release directories they in turn send them out to other major directories and search engines. With your submission you include the url to your site, every time the directory sends your press release out your back links are multiplying.

2) Participate in niche related forums, you can include your link in your signature file for one thing. For another every time you make a relevant posting your link is also posted giving you more back links. The same thing applies to blog posting.

3) Write and submit niche related article to article directories. This establishes you as an expert in your field as well as gets you numerous back links to your site. You can also publish your article on your own site or blog, this provides an easy way to constantly update your content and keep your site fresh.

The other type of links we will discuss are reciprocal links, this is where you exchange links with other niche related websites and blogs. I recommend placing a category page on your site, this will look more professional to your visitors. Then place each link you exchange in their proper category. Try and exchange links with higher page ranks then you, remember quality over quantity.

By following these simple steps you will over time advance in your page rank which will drive more organic traffic to your site or blog, this is the most highly targeted traffic you can get because they are looking for what you have.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

How to Find a Work at Home Job Without Being Taken For a Ride

When it comes to working from home, there are real jobs out there. Unfortunately, there are even more scams out there. The internet and computers are wonderful technology and together they have opened a whole new world. However, with the good comes the bad. The internet has made it easier for more people to be cheated than ever before. Unscrupulous people love to prey on the desperate ones.

Sadly, some people make themselves perfect targets because they tend to believe almost everything that they read on the internet. If you honestly believe every email that you receive, and even worse forward them to everyone you know, then you are exactly the kind of person a scammer would be targeting. I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but I'm trying to enlighten, not win a popularity contest.

About 90% of these job scams are pretty easy to spot because scammers are fairly lazy. They'll just reuse the same old scams that have been around for awhile. They may change the wording a little but the gist is the same. So what should you be looking out for? You should be cautious when you see mention of:

1. Training materials.

I'm going to throw my own made up statistic out there and say that 99% of all jobs that charge you a fee for "training materials" are scams. These are usually described as data entry jobs but there really is no data entry involved. Once you pay the scammer for "training materials," they'll tell you how to go out and scam others the same way that you were just scammed. Sweet, huh?

2. Data entry jobs that say that you will earn "between $300-$500 a week".

For some reason, scammers love to quote the $300-$500 range and I have no idea why. Maybe it's what they teach in Scamming 101 or maybe it's because it's an amount that would satisfy a good percentage of job seekers. Either way, when you see an ad like this, lace up those Nikes and start running.

3. Payment processing jobs.

This is a bad scam because this one could actually land you in jail or prison. It's so ridiculous that anyone who really stopped to think about it, should be able to see it for what it is. This scam involves an "employer" contacting you and basically saying that they want you to receive payments for them. A few days after you accept this "job", you will receive a (usually large) check in the mail. Your "job" is to go to your bank, cash the check, keep a small percentage (usually 10%) and send the rest back to your employer. Sounds simple, right? Wrong!

The problem occurs when your bank finally figures out that the check is not real. This could take days, it could take weeks but they will figure it out. Once they figure this all out, who do you think they will come to in order to get their money back? That's right, you. But that's not the worse part. Not only do you owe the bank money but you've cashed a counterfeit check, which usually means the police will be contacted. So now, you're out of money and you may be in trouble with the law. Common sense would tell most people that something about this "job" just seems wrong but they still fall for it.

4. Outrageously high pay.

Yes, we all would like to sit at home, work a couple of hours and make $5,000 a week. For most of us, though, that is and will always remain a pipe dream. Scammers say things like that because they know that some people are greedy, really greedy. And the really greedy won't stop to think that this is a ridiculous amount to be paid for doing nothing. To make it worse, a lot of these jobs will say they require, "no degree, no experience and no skills" Does that make any sense at all? To some people, it does.

5. Your personal documentation. I can't believe I even have to put this here but I've seen this happen, so I'll throw it out there. If a job tells you that they need you to mail in your ACTUAL social security card, drivers license and/or birth certificate. DON'T DO IT! For tax purposes, many legitimate companies will require copies of your personal documents but they have no need for your originals. However, anyone desiring a case of identity theft should go right ahead and send it in.

In closing, I would like to say that if a job description causes you to throw up red flags, you should keep moving. Likewise, if you feel compelled to ask if a job is legit then it probably isn't. Use your instincts, think about what makes sense and don't let desperation lead you down the wrong path. Scams nowadays cannot only cost you your money but also your freedom or your identity.

I have been working from home for over 10 years and I love sharing what I've learned with others. If you're interested in working from home but don't know where to start, I have something that will send you down the right path. I know what companies are looking for telecommuters and I'll tell you who they are. http://workathomewisdom.com/default.aspx

Sunday 25 April 2010

Online RSS Feed Marketing Strategies Guaranteed to Promote Your Internet Business

Online money making is now easy thanks to RSS feed marketing. People how have monetized their feed for Google adsense can attest to this. It is vital to constantly update your feeds to avoid repeat adsense links. Having the same advertisement links reduces your click through rate. Every now and then, refresh your content by posting new and captivating content thus increasing the effectiveness of your advertisements.

The fact that RSS feed marketing is about readers opting to subscribe to your content; you should view it as an opportunity to build business relationships. Therefore, make sure that every time your subscribers visit your feed you communicate to them in a compelling manner. Your articles should be rich, deep and constantly seeking to equip your readers to be better in their particular niche.

In RSS feed marketing strategy, it is vital that you choose your target market carefully and wisely. Target marketing tactic applies to all internet marketing strategies but more so to feed link marketing. The reason of stating this is because feeds are extremely targeted and to a small number of readers. Therefore, it is crucial that your content is unique and delivered perfectly.

Any online business owner should seek to include RSS feed marketing in their internet marketing arsenal. Readers are more comfortable with feed content since they are devoid of spam filters as oppose to email marketing. In addition, realize that RSS audience are savvy people and if you provide quality content you can be sure of getting new online leads on a constant basis.

RSS feed marketing is still on an upward trend thus get on board now. Follow the links below to get more insightful information on this very important online marketing strategy.

Stephen writes rich content on RSS Feed Marketing. His webpage is on Money Making Ideas and Internet Marketing Strategies. Visit his informative and insightful website at:- Money Making Secrets and learn more...

Friday 23 April 2010

Making Money Online - Where Do I Start?

This must be every single person's thoughts and worries when they even think about starting an internet business or making money online. It is such a huge subject that a single written article can only scratch the surface, but remember, every one started off as a Newbie, no-one was ever born a professional and so to business.

In an old saying "find something that someone is doing that works, and copy it" is probably the best starting point there is, so find people out there making money and living the good life, see if you like the idea, and have a go yourself. Ideally if you get the chance use someone already making the £'s or $'s as a mentor, you could save lots of time and expensive mistakes.

There are lots of ready made businesses in a box out there, which although cost money to buy into to start with, give you full training with video's which you can use to learn at your own pace, and watch over and over again. Another big bonus with this type of business is that they have done most of the work for you, and you get a chance to promote that same business to others to make money, but also they provide you with lots of already popular products to promote, and the training how to do it! If you want the initial Leg Up to bump start an online business, then this is a good way to go.

Make sure though, you research that business product as although some are more money to invest into, you need a top end product to sell yourself, as no-one wants to buy a load of rubbish. Remember you will be advertising this business to other people and if it sells well, then you will soon re-coup your initial investment and start raking in the big bucks..

We have started now and must feel very exited as to making money from the internet, Remember if you opened a shop you have rent to pay, products to buy to stock the shelves and only so many open hours in a day. The internet is open 24hours a day, everyday, low start up costs, and can be changed whenever you want, surely there is no competition. If you have used your training sessions and video, you will already have some knowledge now and will be racing to add to your growing online income!

If you have your own products to sell either information products or physical products then you are in the right place to promote and sell it. You can make a visually pretty website to promote your products to people all over the world. And remember online you will be promoting your business and you! And so you will be giving yourself a presence to lots of people out there, and who knows, when you get famous - everyone will want to know you, FACT!

If you have nothing to sell yourself, don't worry, not a problem. Thousand's, million's of people out there have!!! These people promote their own products, normally information products, services and e-books, but will pay good commissions 20%,30%,60%,80% for you to promote their products for them and so you earn this on every sale, over and over again. All you have to do is get people to their sales page and they do the rest, if a sale occurs they will pay you commission. You don't have to meet or talk to anyone and you get paid, how good is that.

You can also get ready made online stores, where your store looks the business and sells products for a company. Your website shows the product and offers an automated online ordering system from the company, and you once again get paid a sales commission for the product. This is like you having a full store to work with but once again no shop rent, but your shop is open 24hours a day every day, to millions of people all over the world. The company processes credit card payments and ships the goods to the buyers door, once again good for you

Perhaps now you are beginning to see, why online information businesses and products are your best way to make money and transform your lifestyle. The internet has terrific power and every day more and more people are going online to seek their fortunes.

Author Name, Mark Mawby, An apprentice trained engineer by trade, progressed to Lead engineer, but turned to the internet to start making money online and free time to spend it!

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